Thursday, August 19, 2010

Welcoming Eileen and Noel Home from their Walk the red road for Homelessness Campaign

Eileen and Noel arriving at Bannerman park, their final destination on their 40 day walk back to 
St. John's from Conne River to raise money for 
their campaign; Walking the Red Road for Homelessness. 

(Left: Her youngest son Jacob, Eileen and Noel, Right: Jacob, Eileen )

Noel and Eileen were welcomed home with much love

Our Special guests;
 Sheldon Pollet (ED of Choices for Youth), Danny Pottle (President of the SJNFC Board of Directors), Sheleigh O'Leary (Councillor), Shawn Skinner ( MHA for St. John's Centre District)

Eileen, Noel, and MHA Shawn Skinner

Eileen, Noel Joe and SJNFC President Board Member Danny Pottle

Eileen, Noel, and Councillor Sheleigh O'Leary

The presenting and unwrapping of the gift presented to Noel and Eileen from

Performances from Strength of the Drum

More live entertainment by

Circle Dance

Terrance and Jason Littletent

It was a beautiful day ! Which definitely brought more people out for the afternoon.

Terrance and Littletent performing

Left: Our ED David Penner ( in the black shirt) Right: Adrian Howse singing some songs

Hot Dog stand

Left: Jerry Evans and one of the performers Right:   The ED from Choices for youth(right)

Jason Littletent, Eileen, Jerry Evans and Terance Littletent

Some of our staff that came out to support the good cause !
Left: Robin our youth coordinator and Susan one of out summer youth staff
Right: Robin and Susan again with Chris our van driver for the shelter

Thanks to Everyone who came out and showed their support !!


Friday, August 13, 2010

Green Team // Organic Community Garden

The Green team visited the centre a few weeks ago, offering us some useful and knowledgeable information on how to keep our environment healthy and green.
Thanks guys !

Check out there site here

They also told me a bit more about another project they did with the Youth Centre, which was a community garden.  We grew two types of swish chard, green onions, Tomatoes, three types of lettuce and parsley. 

This week myself and some staff and youth from the youth centre were able to pick some of the swish chard, lettuce, parsley and green onions.

With all the fresh organic veggies we made a salad ( with some Mandarin oranges we gad )and cooked the swish chard with some onion's and soy sauce. yum yum.
What a nice lunch !

Hope you all enjoy your weekend !

Also just a note this Sunday at Bannerman park from 12-4 we are celebrating the return of Eileen and Noel Joe 
from their 40 day 645 KM walk across the island for their fundraiser "Walking the Red Road for Homelessness".
There will be fun and games, music and dancers !
Hope to see you all there to show your support for a good cause !

want to know a little more about the fundraiser click here

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather !

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Carwash in Support of the Red Road walk for Homelessness

Good morning on this beautiful sunny day !

Just wanted to send out a quick up-date to our followers

This past Thursday ( July 22nd ) we had a car wash here at the centre in support of the " Walk the Red Road for Homelessness" campaign.  

On July 4th 2010, Eileen and Noel two of our employee's starting from Conne River ( Last day of the Pow Wow ) started a walk back to St. John's to raise awareness about the campaign, and homelessness as well as to raising money to fight homelessness.  The funds raised will be donated to raising the roof, Choices for youth, our very own Shanawdithit Shelter, as well as the Newfoundland housing and and homelessness network.

Although the day wasn't as nice as we had hoped it would be we had a lot of great volunteers and supporters !

... of course it turned into a water fight ! hehe

At the end of the day from BBQ sales and the Carwash we made 300$ ! Thanks everyone who helped out and who came to the carwash !! if you want to find out how you can help or want to know more about the Red Road Campaign click here.

And thats my quick update !
Enjoy your day !!!

With Friendship,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Flat Bay Pow Wow - Hoop Dancers - AGM

Good morning to all our followers !

Today is for most of us our first day back to work.  Last week a few of us flew to Alberta for the National Association of  Friendship Centre's Annual General Meeting in Hinton (Alberta) and another few of us drove to Flat bay to attend their 4th annual Pow Wow. 

I was one of the two to drive to St. Georges this past week and attend the Pow Wow in fFat bay, however I have also added some photos from the AGM, a video of the Hoop dancer who performed  at the centre while I was away and some more photo's from the Conne river Pow Wow as well.


At the far end of the Pow Wow grounds there was model of a wigwam.  Which is a wooden frame with birch bark lashed to it.

Here (above) is a sample of some dancing at the Pow Wow for those who couldn't make it.

Scott Butt and Another lady at the Pow Wow, as well as Men's dancers at the Pow Wow 

This lady also danced at the Conne river Pow Wow, her Regalia is beautiful
Paula, our Aboriginal Patient Navigator ...
And her Children

Men's Drum group


This photo was taken by Kerri ( Paula's daughter ), I showed her how to use my camera and she went off for a few hours and took some of the most beautiful photos !  
This one is of Chief Misel Joe of Conne river and Trevor ( Paula's son )

Nora Glover's booth, an artist from Flat Bay.  
 For sure the highlight of my trip was meeting Nora at her home to pick out some of her pieces to bring back to the centre before they went to the Pow Wow.  It was a good thing I did because there was always a crowd around her booth, by the end of day ( Saturday ) there was only a fraction of what she had brought left.


Paula and Nora ( looking down at her grandson who's hand you can see in the lower right ) Unfortunately the only photo I could get of Nora.

Here you can see Trevor (Paula's son) wearing a piece of made by Nora


 I also Bought some beautiful pieces of Jewelery from these ladies at the Pow Wow.

As well as these two ladies

This week was also The 39th National Association of Friendship Centre's AGM.
Here are some photo's that one of our attendee's took from his time there.

( All photo credits go to Christopher Shepard, past NAFC You executive and Special projects officer at the SJNFC, who attended the AGM )


Ashlee Cochrane - The out going Aboriginal Youth Council President
Want to know more about AYC ? Click here

Left: Juliette Nocolet - The Policy Director for the Ontario federation of Indian Friendship Centre's
If you are interested in checking them out click here
Right: Joseé Goulet - The executive Director of RCAAQ (Le Regroupement des Centres d'amité autochtones du Québec)
Interested ? Click here

A traditional Hoop dancer - Tyrone Shawana
Also the Ontario AYC representative

Left: Amélie Lainé - The program coordinator for the RCAAQ
Right: Joseé Goulet - The executive Director of RCAAQ

Here, Myrtle Banfield a former executive director of the St. John's Native Friendship Centre partakes in the ceremony making her a senator of the NAFC ( National Association of Friendship Centre's )
To the right of her is Senator Dominic Rankin

A continuation of the ceremony Myrtle Banfield read's out an oath to become a senator of the NAFC
To her right is Senator Rodger Obonsawin


The drive to Miette Hotsprings ( Jasper, ALberta )