Thursday, July 29, 2010

Carwash in Support of the Red Road walk for Homelessness

Good morning on this beautiful sunny day !

Just wanted to send out a quick up-date to our followers

This past Thursday ( July 22nd ) we had a car wash here at the centre in support of the " Walk the Red Road for Homelessness" campaign.  

On July 4th 2010, Eileen and Noel two of our employee's starting from Conne River ( Last day of the Pow Wow ) started a walk back to St. John's to raise awareness about the campaign, and homelessness as well as to raising money to fight homelessness.  The funds raised will be donated to raising the roof, Choices for youth, our very own Shanawdithit Shelter, as well as the Newfoundland housing and and homelessness network.

Although the day wasn't as nice as we had hoped it would be we had a lot of great volunteers and supporters !

... of course it turned into a water fight ! hehe

At the end of the day from BBQ sales and the Carwash we made 300$ ! Thanks everyone who helped out and who came to the carwash !! if you want to find out how you can help or want to know more about the Red Road Campaign click here.

And thats my quick update !
Enjoy your day !!!

With Friendship,

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